All Success Stories

Rachel gains Legal Secretary Diploma and a foot in the door to a new career!
See why Rachel enjoyed her time training with our Chelmsford centre...

Suzie takes the route to her dream career with the help of Pitman Training
"A recruiter talked to me about Pitman Training and after doing some research I decided to take the plunge and started the Executive PA Diploma. This turned out to be one of the best decisions of my life..."

Gill finds success with the Pitman Training flexibility
"I studied the Microsoft Publisher course and I am very happy with the training received as the course content completely fulfilled my needs..."

Daniel Excels with his Microsoft Training!
"I chose Pitman Training Enfield after having done an internet search and checked some feedback. The Excel 2013 course was perfect and I’m sure this course will be very beneficial in the future..."

Not sure if uni is for you? Emily tells us how Pitman Taunton helped her create her own path to success
While many of her friends were getting ready to go off to university Emily chose a different route. After completing a Secretarial Diploma she tried a book-keeping course and was hooked!

Annabelle gains 2 Pitman Training Diplomas with Pitman Training Wembley
"I have just completed 2 diplomas at the above training centre. I did the Secretarial Diploma and also the Medical Secretarial Diploma. I have not been working or studying for more than 19 years..."

The future is bright for Reading IT Diploma student Cleber Luizon!
“Having had an exciting career in football in Brazil, I moved to the UK and had various jobs as a waiter and working in a supermarket. However, I soon realised that everything is about IT now and I love IT! As a result, I really wanted a career in that sector..."

Fiona finishes her Secretarial Diploma and moved to an admin career!
Fiona has moved from her job at the supermarket into a Sales Administration role. She plans on coming back to study the Executive Get the Pitman Advantage Diploma with us next year!

Aurelija – Armed with her AAT Level 2, Aura takes on book-keeping duties!
My boss wanted to give me some book-keeping work, he thought it would be good for me to take a course for the basics. I searched online for training and found Pitman, I made the query and André rang. We had a good chat, then I came back with my decision and got started.