All Success Stories

“Jill Sankey – Fast-track to Finance Assistant, thanks to new skills”
" I feel my Pitman Training programme was instrumental in me gaining this position as it gave me the skills required for the role."

Venita da Silva Noite, Graphic Design Diploma
With over 10 years in finance and accounting, Venita da Silva Noite decided it was time to try something new. Because of her passion for graphic design, she got in touch with Pitman Training to help her switch careers and chase her dream job as a graphic designer.

Liz – Improves her employability prospects with Pitman Northampton
Looking to improve employability I chose a copy typing course.

Dahlia Porter – career change – from Administrator to School Secretary
"I had left my current role in a bank after 21 years and was at a crossroads as to what I would like to do; life being a mad treadmill I wanted to re-skill and felt unsure of the course I should take."

Fiona – Gains Distinction with her Executive PA Diploma
"I chose to study with Pitman Training York as I wanted to consolidate my experience into a recognised qualification that I could also use for my CPD requirements with the Institute of Professional Administrators and Institute of Certified Bookkeepers."

Petra Vesela – Studies with Pitman Training Hammersmith to improve her career progression
"I started to study with Pitman Training in May 2012 to improve my chances for a career progression."

Lynn Disley – Updates her skills with our flexible learning
As I hadn’t studied for years, I wanted to update my computer skills and learn bookkeeping in order to help my son with his small business.

Gavin Bennett: Passed his Sage Accounts course with Distinction!
"I took up the Sage Accounts course at Pitmans Hounslow. It was a pleasure doing the course at the Hounslow branch because I was given excellent support and a pleasant environment in which to learn."

Adrienne Richards: From Cafe assistant to Legal Conveyancing Secretary!
"The whole of the course was enjoyable and as I received my grades it made me more confident with the thought of applying for a job as a legal secretary, knowing that ‘I can actually do this!"