Executive Secretary Magazine Articles

Executive Secretary Magazine Articles

Here is the Executive Secretary Magazine, articles by Claire Lister, Managing Director of Pitman Training Group.

Let’s Talk Communication Skills

Let’s Talk Communication Skills

Want to learn more about communication skills? This blog post will teach you the basics, including how to improve your communication style.

Tempo Recruitment: Interview Advice

Tempo Recruitment: Interview Advice

So, your CV has made the cut and you’ve been invited for an interview. What now?

How to Avoid Burnout – FREE Webinar

How to Avoid Burnout – FREE Webinar

Feeling overwhelmed at work? Learn how to avoid burnout and get your life back in this free webinar with Maria Surcel, Marketing Manager for Tempo.

Give yourself a FREE Career MOT!

Give yourself a FREE Career MOT!

Our Career MOT App has been developed to help inspire those unhappy in their current occupations, confused as to what roles to apply for download for free!

12 Tips for a more productive you

12 Tips for a more productive you

A useful sheet containing 12 useful ways to improve your efficiency and get more done.

7 Days for a more productive you

7 Days for a more productive you

Here's a handy poster to pop on your office wall. We produced this colourful tips sheet for National Work-Life Week, but the information here is great for everyday

Top Tips to become a Microsoft ‘Guru’

Top Tips to become a Microsoft ‘Guru’

When you're using Microsoft Office every day, it's a good idea to learn shortcuts. This sheet is a great way to learn those shortcuts for Word and Excel.

Boost Morale and Reap the Business Benefits

Boost Morale and Reap the Business Benefits

When morale is high in your business, you'll see tangible benefits. Here's how to boost morale in your team and make your business thrive